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Donna Wilson
Executive Director
Donna, a Bristol native, is married to her husband Dave with two children. She is inspired by her parents and grandmother, who have been her role models and taught her to put others first. She is a great advocate for seniors in the East Bay area and has developed numerous programs for them, including Coffee with a Cop, Foster a Senior, Senior Garden Boxes, Free sponsored lunches for seniors, and many other activities and programs for the community.


Donna Wilson (AKA: Seniors PI)
Diretor assistente
Diretor Assistente do Benjamin Church Senior Center em Bristol RI, Graduado da Our Lady of Fatima High School e College of Hard Knock's.
Natural de Bristol, fluente em português, casada com o marido Dave com dois filhos Jesse 12 e Emma 10.
Donna é inspirada por seus pais e avó, que foram seu modelo e a ensinaram a colocar os outros em primeiro lugar. Ela é uma grande defensora dos idosos na área de East Bay. Ela desenvolveu vários programas para eles, incluindo Coffee with a Cop, Foster a senior, Senior Garden Boxes, almoços patrocinados gratuitos para idosos e muitos outros programas de atividades para a comunidade.
Durante seu tempo de inatividade mínimo, ela gosta de passar tempo com sua família e amigos e se interessa pela fotografia, tornando-a conhecida como a rainha do bate-papo com seus idosos.
Ninguém é mais leal do que Donna, especialmente quando se trata de suas necessidades sênior. Ela é especializada em investigar novos serviços e programas gratuitos que estão disponíveis para a população idosa em sua comunidade.
Ela sente que é a Sussurradora Sênior e tenta conceder seus desejos.

Donald Squires
Bus Driver
Don Squires joined the senior center staff in 2023 after 32 years working for the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. Don is married to his wife Judy, he has two daughters and three grand children.

Peter Sullivan
Bus Driver
Peter Sullivan is one Bus Driver and worked for the Department of Health/DEM for 35 years combined. Peter has been married to Karen for 48 years and has 2 sons and 3 grandchildren. He loves to golf and spend time with his grandchildren. 

Gaspar Neves
Maintenance Director
Gaspar Neves is the Maintenance Director at our Senior Center building. He has been married to Mary Ellen for 42 years. He has 2 children and 4 grandchildren. Gaspar is a retired business owner in construction. He loves to spend time with his grandchildren.

Lorainne Capizano
Meal Site Coordinator

Lorraine Capizano is the Meal Site Coordinator, She has been married for 20 years and has one son and has one grandchild and three great grandchildren. She worked for Raytheon for 34 years and retired in 1999. Lorainne Volunteers at the Benjamin Church Senior Center and became employed in 2022. In her free time, she loves to dance and spend time with friends and family. ​



1020 Hope Street, Bristol, RI 02809

Telefone:(401) 253-8458

Fax: (401) 253-8009



Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 3:30 pm

Sat-Sun: Closed

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